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karva Chauth in Other states

Karva Chauth Fast


karva Chauth in Other states

Other Indian states also observes this fast. In Gujarat, many women observe this fast with great spirit. In Madhya Pradesh also, most of them follow the traditions of the women from Uttar Pradesh. In all these states the first Karva Chauth of any new bride is a very important festival. New clothes, new jewelery and gifts from both mother and motherinlaw are received. The wedding day outfits are worn once again, mehndi is applied and the family gathers to celebrate it with them. There are many similar stories associated with this festival in different parts of India. In Maharashtra this particular fast is not very popular but a similar one called Vaat Savitri is kept by married women.


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Offer food and prayer to the moon upon seeing it
The Tradition of karva Chauth
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karva Chauth in Uttar Pradesh
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karva Chauth in Other states
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