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The Up Beats Down Rule

Jogging Tips and Guidelines


The Up Beats Down Rule

Running uphill slows you down more than running downhill speeds you up. So, you can expect hilly runs to be slower than flat runs. You dont get all of the energy that you expend going uphill back when you run downhill, explains Nimbus Couzin, Ph.D., a marathon running physics instructor at Indiana University Southeast. Thats because when your feet strike the ground on a descent, a lot of energy is lost. The Exception When you run point to point with a net elevation drop, your average pace should be faster than on a flat course.


Rest the day after
The Even Pace Rule
The Race Recovery Rule
The Seven Year Rule
Dont start too fast
The Heads Beats Tails Rule
The Long Run Pace Rule
The Carbs Rule
Do one session a week to start
Safety during the run
Warm up before jogging
Dont force your body
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