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Keep Skincare Simple

Healthy Skin


Keep Skincare Simple

Overuse of products is the biggest mistake people make in their skincare regimens, says Jeanie Leddon, MD, PhD, a dermatologist in Boulder, Colo.Some patients come in with a grocery bag full of products and wonder why their skin doesn t look or feel great, Leddon says.Using a lot of different ingredients can be irritating, and some ingredients cancel out each others benefits.For example, the acid in salicylic or glycolic acid breaks down ingredients like retinol, hydroquinone, or vitamin C. More, Leddon says, is not necessarily better.Friedman agrees. He says the products needed for beautiful skin are a simple cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer, and a retinoid or retinol.The simpler your skincare regimen, the more likely you are to stick with it.


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