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Travel with the Band

Healthy Arms


Travel with the Band

You can get an amazing workout with a resistance band, and it fits into any suitcase! Use this quick workout when youre on the road to keep those arms tight and toned Side tricep press: Start with the band across your chest with arms bent. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to keep your arms in place and extend one arm out to the side. Return to center. Perform 1520 repetitions on the right and then repeat on the left. Wide Ts: Hold one end of the resistance band in each hand and extend your arms at shoulder height in front of you. Squeezing from the upper middle back open both arms out to the side, forming a T with your body. Hold for 10 seconds and slowly return to center. Perform 1215 repetitions.Arm raises: Start with tubing secured by your left hip with your right hand and slowly raise left hand forward to shoulder height. Hold for 10 seconds and slowly return to center. Perform 1215 repetitions.


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