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Sources in Bcomplex

Benefits of Victoria Plum


Sources in Bcomplex

The berries are moderate sources in Bcomplex groups of vitamins such as niacin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are acting as cofactors help the body metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They also provide about 5% RDA levels of vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential for many clotting factors function in the blood as well as in bone metabolism and help reduce Alzheimer's disease in the elderly.


Victoria Plum facial mask
Rich in Vitamin C
Boosts bone health
Helps to replace damaged tissue
Cholesterol oxidation
Help to reverse Adrenal gland fatigue
Why are plums good for me
Sources in Bcomplex
Boosts Digestive Health
Making healthy tissues
Stops Premature Aging
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