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Medicinal Uses

Benefits of Mangosteen


Medicinal Uses

Dried fruits are shipped from Singapore to Calcutta and to China for medicinal use. The sliced and dried rind is powdered and administered to overcome dysentery. Made into an ointment, it is applied on eczema and other skin disorders. The rind decoction is taken to relieve diarrhea and cystitis, gonorrhea and gleet and is applied externally as an astringent lotion. A portion of the rind is steeped in water overnight and the infusion given as a remedy for chronic diarrhea in adults and children. Filipinos employ a decoction of the leaves and bark as a febrifuge and to treat thrush, diarrhea, dysentery and urinary disorders. In Malaya, an infusion of the leaves, combined with unripe banana and a little benzoin is applied to the wound of circumcision. A root decoction is taken to regulate menstruation. A bark extract called amibiasine , has been marketed for the treatment of amoebic dysentery.


Mangosteen s Other Natural Compounds
Treats acne minor cuts and various skin conditions
Relieve urinary difficulties
Mangosteen Nutritional Value
Anti inflammatory
Help in skin condition
What does it involve
Keeping Quality
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