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Point scored

Rules to play Foosball


Point scored

A ball entering the goal shall count as a point, as long as it was legally scored. A ball which enters the goal but returns to the playing surface and/or leaves the table still counts as a goal. If a point is not counted on the scoring markers and both teams agree that it was previously scored and inadvertently not marked up, the point shall count. If both teams do not agree that a point was scored and not marked up, after another ball is scored, that point shall not be counted. If there is a controversy over whether or not the ball entered the goal, an official should be called. Any team intentionally marking up a point not scored shall not get credit for the point illegally marked up and shall be charged with a technical foul. Further violations of this rule will be grounds for forfeiture of game or match (to be determined by the Head Official).


Reaching Into the Playing Area
To Start a Match
No jarring
Time of Possession
5 bar passing
Dead ball
The serve
Spinning the Rods
Match time limit
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