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Jasminum Odoratissimum



Jasminum Odoratissimum

The flowers of most of the species of Jasmine are odoriferous, trivial names therefore expressive of this quality are ineligible, as wanting character, the present name is peculiarly objectionable, inasmuch as several other species are greatly superior to this in point of fragrance, a lesson for Botanists to abstain from trivial names of the superlative degree, such as odoratissimum, fitidissimum, maximum, minimum, c.The present species, according to Mr. Aiton, is a native of Madeira, and was cultivated by Mr. Miller, in 1730, it is now a plant common in most greenhouses it will form a shrub of considerable size, which requires no support, its leaves are glossy, inclining to yellow, growing for the most part three together, sometimes pinnated, its blossoms, which are yellow, make their appearance from May to November in point of hardiness it is superior to many greenhouse plants, and may be propagated without difficulty by cuttings.


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