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What to Eat in Maharashtra



Bhajji or bhaji is a spicy Indian snack similar to pakora or potato fritters, with several variants. It is usually used as a topping on various Indian meals but has become popular to eat alone as a nack.[citation needed] It is a popular street food in Maharashtra, India and can be found for sale in streetside stalls, especially in dhabas on highways.Apart from being a must in the traditional Maharashtrian Hindu meal on festivals and the like, bhajjis top the comfort food list when it comes to monsoons and rains. They are generally served with a piping hot cup of coffee, tea or a traditional serving of Yameen.


Rassa (Taambda/ Pandhra/ Varhadi)
Mirchi bhaji
Misal Pav
lemon pickle
Bharit Bhakri
Bharli Vangi
Shevaya chi Kheer
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