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Haunted Britain

Weird Ghost Stories


Haunted Britain

With its wealth of historic buildings where wars were fought and history made, Britain has been the scene of political undoing, bloody beheadings, and cruel torture for centuries. Little wonder, then, that many corners of Britain have a resident ghost or some other supernatural presence. Ghosts have also been detected in many of Britains stately homes and castles, its ancient inns, theatres, farmhouses, and cottages. Haunted Britain reveals the sites of nearly 100 of these throughout the country.


In Case I Die
Haunted Richmond II
The Big Book of the Unexplained
Ghosts and Legends of Charleston
Nights In Haunted Houses
Alien Nightmares
Male Medusa Caught in Coils
The Riddle of the Labyrinth
Haunted New Orleans
The Myrtles Plantation
The Orphan Conspiracies
Virginia s Haunted Historic Triangle
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