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Individual Traits



Individual Traits

Individual traits that influence marital satisfaction or dissatisfaction include a persons personality, attitudes, and skills , Larson identifies difficulty coping with stress, dysfunctional beliefs , excessive impulsiveness , extreme self-consciousness, excessive anger and hostility, untreated depression, and chronic irritability as the major liabilities toward the achievement of marital satisfaction.Conversely, Larson identifies extroversion , flexibility, good self-esteem, assertiveness, commitment, and an ability to love as the major assets toward the achievement of marital satisfaction.


Schedule your exit
Family Photographer
Do not marry someone who is abusive
Marriage Myths
Try to let the little annoyances go
What about him
Guard your gifts
Take a Chance
Make time to sit down together once a day and share time together
Act like everything s okay
Consider the Holidays
Shut up and listen
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