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Read the syllabus

Tips to succeed in online Learning


Read the syllabus

The syllabus is a critical resource for any course. It is the road map or game plan for the entire course get to know it well. Print a copy on the first day of class, read through it twice. At the same time highlight, then record the due dates for assignments and threaded discussions in your personal calendar. If you need reminders, add those too. Once the course gets going, review assignment instructions, discussion topics, etc. at the beginning of each week and consult grading guidelines and check dues dates again. Youll be amazed how much easier assignments become once you are very familiar with the instructions.


Confirm technical requirements
Become a master of online tools
The question can online students
Embrace the syllabus
Make connections with fellow students
Fill out the surveys
Playoff your strengths
Plan weekly study times
Speak up if you are having problems
Pay attention to the course learning objectives
Create a schedule
Have a consistent workspace
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