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Syllabus of the GATE Exam

Tips to succeed in GATE Exam


Syllabus of the GATE Exam

The questions will be based on the stream chosen by the candidate. The syllabus will be related to the B.Tech course. There will also be a section on the General Aptitude. For each of the specialisation there are certain areas that the candidates must prepare. A total of 55 questions will be from the engineering syllabus. Out of these there will around 15 marks questions from Engineering Mathematics. There will be both 1 mark and 2 marks questions in this section. Rest 10 questions will be from the General Aptitude section. This section will have questions which will have both ? mark and 1 mark.


Study according to pattern
Concentrate on the syllabus
Follow the timetable
Faculty credentials
Study Plan for the GATE Exam
Say No to Heavy Breakfast
Set your targets
Reach the Exam Center Before Time
Increase Your speed
Note Down key points
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