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Tips to get ready for xmas


Give an experience

If you have a big extended family, you can buy movie tickets in bulk and save some money. AMC Theatres allows you to buy 50 movie tickets for the price of $6.00 each. If you go in with a few families on these bulk purchases, you could save quite a bit.Think about fun activities you could do with different people on your list dinner for a friend, reading night and snacks with the grandkids, and movie night with the grandparents, complete with snacks.One DPL reader stuck to her spending plan for the holidays by giving each grandchild under 10 a certificate that promised a trip to the dollar store with Grandma. The reader got to spend time with each of her grandchildren individually and the kids had fun picking out the gifts. In a recent survey, thousandsof school children all across the country were asked what they thought makes a happy family. The kids did not say a big house, designer jeans or video games. The most-mentioned key to happiness was doing things together.Perhaps the experience you give is what you do best. Give a gift certificate for a night or two of babysitting. Make coupons for a promised service like cleaning or teaching something new, or other areas in which you are an expert. You could give a friend a coupon saying: I will make and deliver a dessert next time you have company or I will keep your kids for one weekend while you take a break.


Start a countdown
Watch a Christmas special 10 or 100
If You Do Christmas Lists Ask People to Get You Their Lists
Go caroling
Give away treasures
Fill Up the Freezer
Approximately one week before Christmas purchase perishable food stuffs
Tie up memories
Time Plan
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