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Time Plan

Tips to get ready for xmas


Time Plan

Time spent making a time plan for Christmas Eve and Christmas day is time well spent. Not only does it help in organizing the cooking, it also organizes the mind and it is astonishing how many forgotten jobs turn up when writing a time plan. This Christmas Time Plan lays out the most important jobs and can be adjusted to fit with your menu. Do not forget build time for you into the time plan. Time to get ready, or have a cup of tea is as important as a perfectly cooked dinner.


Do not be Over ambitious
Set and Fund Your Christmas Budget
Start a Christmas Club account at a bank or credit union
Choose an organizing plan
Learn a craft
Be jolly
Get Started on Your Christmas Cards
Make a Christmas planner
Bake cookies as needed
Buy/Build a gingerbread house
Start Now if You Can
Start Making Homemade Gifts
More ...

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