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Tips to get ready for Study Abroad



SMILE, you are traveling,Do try to blend in but still understand you are unique among them,Learn where your embassy is, your banks outside of the US number, the closest health center and your foreign school representative. Keep it somewhere you will easily access it,Accept your own foreign identity and teach others about yourself,Meet other people in a safe environment,Keep as positive as you can,Remember it is temporary and you have many people supporting you,No one knows everything about their own language so speak to make it better.


Do your homework
Discuss safety and emergency plan
Find student accommodation
Invest in smart travel strategies
Get the insider info
Determine the best way to communicate and do this well in advance of the trip
Get familiar with your routes
Pack carefully
When you arrive treat your jet lag if you have any Then go ahead and explore the town
Pack thinking about mix and matching
Google your new town
Pick a Place that is Relevant
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