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Build in Reserves

Tips to get ready for New Year


Build in Reserves

It would be great to buffer enough time to deal with every unexpected opportunity or crisis in our lives. But we all know the wheels go off the wagon every once in a while. This is when you need that buffer or emergency fund of time, energy, or meals in the freezer. Build some buffer into your schedule each day, week, month and year And then stock-up on supplies and create systems at the office and at home so you're you will have more energy AND be more productive even when things go awry. Stock-up on things like meals, birthday gifts and cards, toiletries, travel items, wardrobe staples, pens, computer equipment,supplies, envelopes,stamps, pens, so you are never running out at the last minute and you have a stock pile when you need it. Your Challenge: Pick 3 areas in your work and life to stock-up on this week.


Eat Breakfast Every Day
Instead of being disappointed about where you are
Offer a sacrifice to the Kitchen God
Smile and laugh more
Outline Your Plan
Stay Fit & Healthy
Pick a Statement Necklace
Read Between the Lines
Visit your relatives and friends
Remember thats
Pluck Your Eyebrows
More ...

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