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Know how to arrange furniture on a rug

Tips to Decorate your BedRoom


Know how to arrange furniture on a rug

There are basically three ways you can arrange furniture on your rug. The rug is large enough to place all of the furniture legs on top of it. This creates a more luxurious feel. For this, bigger is better. Just be sure to leave at least 12 to 18 inches of floor surface on all four sides of the rug borders. If you have a small room, keeping all legs off the rug is a great cost effective choice. You do not want to pick too small a rug, though, or it may look insignificant, like an afterthought. The rug should appear as though it could touch the front legs of each of the seating pieces. This approach is best suited when you are layering a pattern over a larger solid or textured rug.Put just the front feet of all your seating pieces on the rug to tie the arrangement together visually and create a well defined space while lending a feeling of openness.


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