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Making sure to ask if the restaurants veggie burger is homemade

Things Vegetarians Get Really Good


Making sure to ask if the restaurants veggie burger is homemade

The lot of the vegetarians is a weird one. For one thing, they detest those very delights that the world swears by. And they ask some funny questions right at all the wrong places. Quite often you will find these weirdoes and their weird questions being thrown at poor waiters at restaurants who are often left without an answer at such queries. One among those questions is if the veggie burger ordered at the restaurant has been homemade. Does it have to do with something else or is it vegetarianism that makes the vegetarians so bizarre? If the latter is the case, perhaps not many would choose to give up meat.


Being sarcastic with people who are like But its fish Here just try it
Reading ingredient labels like a ninja
Living off Amys products
Eating before you go to a wedding
Feeling less guilty when a host makes you your own special vegetarian entree
Handling places where the salad option is basically this
Assembling a cute plate of side dishes at Thanksgiving and holidays
Having really good snack game
Ignoring people who say things like Hitler was a vegetarian so I cant trust you
Being the one person to reply to invitations that ask if anyone has any dietary restrictions
Dealing with dates who say theyll take it as a challenge to break you and get you to eat meat
Making a mean peanut butter and jelly
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