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Get smart metering

Save Electricity


Get smart metering

Smart metering programs vary among utility companies, but the basic idea is the same: The utility installs a special smart meter that tracks how much electricity youre using. The utility uses that data to make sure its power grid doesnt get overloaded and cause blackouts. If the grid nears capacity, the utility can shut off major appliances in homes for short periods of time (such as 15 minutes per hour). Not all companies offer smart metering, but some do and many others are considering it. Whats in it for you? Money! Some programs pay for signing up. Others let you view your homes usage online in real time so you can better manage your electrical consumption. Others let you choose real time or time of use pricing that allows you to pay less for electricity thats used during off peak hours (for example, on weekdays from early afternoon until 8 p.m.). These plans reward you for using electricity when its cheapest. Smart metering makes the most sense if youre away from home all day you wont notice or care if things get turned off (although its a good idea for everyone else too!). According to SRP, a power utility company, the plans cut 7 percent off your bill, which is $140 for the average $2,000 yearly energy bill. Check with your local company to find out what smart metering programs are available in your area.


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