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Iyengar Yoga

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Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is probably the most widely recognized hatha yoga technique in the Western world. Iyengar yoga is practiced in a manner prescribed by yoga master B. K. S. Iyengar. It is regarded mostly for its rigorous scientific and therapeutic approach, concentrating on correcting structural imbalances in the physical body. Iyengar teachers pay particularly close attention to the placement of the feet, hands and pelvis, as well as to the alignment of the spine, arms and legs. Because of this attention to detail, the pace of an Iyengar class tends to be slow to moderate. Classes typically focus in great detail on only a few asanas so as to refine movements. Standing postures are emphasized and, although you will be reminded to breathe, specific breathing techniques are not emphasized as much in this style of yoga as in some of the other styles. Iyengarstyle yoga also relies a lot on props wood blocks, benches, sandbags, blankets, bolsters and straps as a support system to achieve greater symmetry and extension in the posture.


What to Practice
Complete Breathing
Integral Yoga
Kripalu Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
When to Practice
Side Bends
Standing Postures
Back Bends
Rib Cage Breathing
Alternate Nostril Breathing
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