Balancing Postures
Rules to play Yoga
Balancing Postures
Balancing postures develop lightness, strength and agility. They also help develop body control, muscle tone, coordination, and concentration. In yoga, the body is gently maneuvered in all directions. Consequently every muscle is stretched and toned. The internal organs are massaged, squeezed, and expanded, improving their general function. The skeletal system is flexed, extended, rotated, and twisted, creating greater joint mobility. The spine is encouraged to maintain a healthy, upright, and painfree condition. The circulation is improved. The breathing capacity and elasticity of the lungs is enhanced.
Where to Practice
Forward Bends
Inverted Postures
Kripalu Yoga
Yoga Benefits For All Ages
Balancing Postures
Ashtanga Yoga
Ujjayi Breath
Physical Benefits
Alternate Nostril Breathing
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