Driver Observer
Rules to play Water Skiing
Driver Observer
Ideally, the boat driver should concentrate on driving and the observer on observing. The perfect combination on the water is like the driver and co driver in a rally car. The driver has more than enough to concentrate on looking out for other boats, objects in the water, floating or submerged hazards. An expert observer should be able to relay all signals and other information about the skier direct to the driver, and deliver any special instructions, freeing the driver to concentrate on the complex task of driving the boat.However, great observers can be hard to find. Often the observer is either too young to be fully relied upon, or maybe they just lack experience.In practice, you should let the observer observe when the skier is up and away. While the skier is in the water the driver has a bigger role to play even when the observer is mature and experienced.
The driver should also be aware of the location of the skier at all times, preferably via a rear view mirror which allows the driver to see the skier with glance quick sideways glance, rather than having to turn to look aft (that means to the back of the boat!)While maintaining a forward watch, particularly while the boat is under power or in a river current, you should practice making quick glances to either side of the boat, and in your rear view mirror, so as to keep tabs on the skier. Thats a big task I have just described 360