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Arch runner

Rules to play Rock Climbing


Arch runner

For this climbing game find a decent wall at least 20 feet long horizontal and about 12 16 feet high, and some colored chalk or tape something to mark holds. Start at one end and climb all the way up, then all the way across, and down. Run back to the starting point and repeat, however you may not reuse old moves. Ground starts are allowed and recommended. Depending on the number of holds on the wall, try to get at least 4 or 5 runs in under a set time. The idea of running back to the start keeps the heart rate up and hinders setup for the next climb, forcing you to think on the wall. Also, try to stay at least 2 3 up like its an arch of a bridge. Training Value Endurance, quick thinking on the wall, strength, and reduces use of unnecessary hand moves.


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