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Rules to play Goal Ball



Penalty situations are for the more competitive players. The rules above outline what justifies a penalty. Basically there are two kinds of Penalties
Team Penalties Ten Seconds Team Delay of Game Team Unsportsmanlike Conduct Illegal Coaching Personal Penalties High Ball Three Throws Eyeshades Personal Unsportsmenlike Conduct Personal Delay of Game Long Ball Illegal Defence
In a penalty situation, only one player will remain on the court, defending the entire goal by himself herself for one penalty shot. This person who stays on is determined by the penalty called. If it is a personal penalty, then it is the one that incurred the penalty that remains on the court. However, if it is a Team Penalty that has been called, then, it is the last person that shot, who remains on the court to defend the goal.


Third time throw
Time limits
The coin toss
Short Ball
Warm up
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