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Rules to play Darts



Marks Per Round is used for all Cricket games. To obtain a MPR, divide the total number of marks scored by the actual number of darts thrown then multiply by three. Example Player #1 wins the game with their 46th dart. They have achieved a total of 59 marks. Their MPR is 3.85 59 / 46 x 3 = 3.85. Handicap rounds do not count for the players without darts in that round. When two 2 players are partners on the same number, they record their results individually. A player must compete in a minimum of 24 league games in a league season that meet the following criteria to establish a player skill rating.


Proper throwing technique
Spot darts
Player take turns throwing three darts each
Throwing area
Marks per round
Mixed doubles
The measurements
Passed darts
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