Heavy Vehicle Drivers Keep track of your vehicle maintenance
Road Safety Tips
Heavy Vehicle Drivers Keep track of your vehicle maintenance
It is mandatory that your vehicle be it car motorcycle, or heavy vehicle be regularly checked for maintenance. The vehicle should be always kept in good condition if we require the vehicle to perform well. This avoids the possibility of break failure, engine-clutch-gear failure thus leading to fatalities/accidents.
Car Drivers Carry important documents
Heavy Vehicle Drivers Do not tow more than permissible limit
Car Drivers Wear seat belts
Cyclists Use the cycle lane
School Children Don t disturb the driver
Heavy Vehicle Drivers Keep track of your vehicle maintenance
Motorcyclists Be cautious
Motorcyclists Carry important documents
School Children Walk on the footpath
Heavy Vehicle Drivers Be cautious
Heavy Vehicle Drivers Maintain a speed limit
Car Drivers Don t use the phone
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//echo file_get_contents('http://mobsea.com/appcode/adv_tips.php');