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Oxygen Equipment Safety

Precautions while using Oxygen Therapy


Oxygen Equipment Safety

Do not store your oxygen system near any heat sources or open flames. Do not expose your oxygen equipment to electrical appliances (such as electric razors, hair dryers, electric blankets, etc.). Check that all electrical equipment in the area near the oxygen is properly grounded. Keep the oxygen system away from aerosol cans or sprays, including air fresheners or hair spray. These products are very flammable. Keep the oxygen system clean and dust free. The person who delivers your oxygen will show you how to do this. Keep the oxygen system in a place where it wont get knocked over.


Storage and sources
Patients can put a small piece of gauze
Avoid using electrical appliances
Watch for signs of oxygen leaking from the container
Do not use oil grease or petroleum based products on the equipment
Do not put the oxygen tubing under clothing
Medical equipment
Do not store full and empty cylinders together
Oxygen safety
Keep oxygen tubing
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