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Precautions while using Oxygen Therapy



A Post Oxygen and No Smoking signs. These signs should be posted on the cylinder in use, in oxygen storage areas, and at entrances to a ward or room where oxygen is in use. The chief danger in using oxygen is fire. The pressure of oxygen in increased concentrations makes all materials more combustible. Things that burn slowly in ordinary air will burn violently and even explosively in the presence of increased oxygen. b. Inform the patient and visitors of the requirement for no smoking and no open flames in the room. None of these should be a problem in the modern hospital since smoking is not allowed in any Army hospital or other federal buildings; however, in third world countries, this may not be the case.c. Ensure that oil or grease is not used around the oxygen fittings. (Petroleum based products will burn.) d. If an oxygen tank is used, secure it away from the door and high traffic areas to reduce potential unauthorized tampering of cylinder gauges and to reduce the possibility of the cylinder being knocked over and the valve being damaged or broke.


Avoiding fires
Storage and sources
Record the Procedure on the Nursing Notes
Medical equipment
Oxygen Use Precautions
Always plug your oxygen concentrator
Do not carry liquid oxygen in a backpack
Use caution with oxygen tubing
As a drug delivery route
Other safety tips
Home oxygen precautions
Oxygen safety
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