Know what your rights are
Precautions while using ATM Machines
Know what your rights are
a)You can use your ATM card at other bank ATMmachinesto withdraw cash too 5 times a month. After 5transactiona fees of 20 rupees pertransactionwill be charged. b) You can check your bank balance on the ATMmachinesof other banks too and there is no fees for this! Not many people know this.c)If while withdrawing cash from ATM thetransactionhas been registered on the machine but you have got no cash from the machine due to mechanical failure, keep thetransactionslip and register your complain with thetransactionslip at your bank as soon as possible. Within 12 working days of lodging a complain, the money will come back into your account. If within 12 working days you do not get the cash back into your account, you are eligible to get interest @ Rs 100 per day.d)There is usually a helpline number mentioned on ATMmachinesin case of any problems. You can call the number and register a complain.