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Do not disclose information about your card over the telephone

Precautions while using ATM Machines


Do not disclose information about your card over the telephone

No one needs to know your PIN, not even your bank. If you perform transactions over the telephone using your ATM or Debit Card(s), never disclose your PIN. If your card is lost or stuck up in your ATM machine, contact your bank immediately and ask them to block your ATM card. You will be given a complain number, be sure to note it down.


Debit Card Safety Precautions
Block the view of others when using the ATM
Secure Environment
Point of Sale Security
Look for possible fraudulent devices attached to the ATM
Know what your rights are
Review your bank account statements promptly
Safe Internet Transactions and Shopping Virtually and with your Cards
What to be done if your card is stuck in the ATM machine
Take your receipts
Check your credit report
Suggestions for handling PIN
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