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Look for possible fraudulent devices attached to the ATM

Precautions while using ATM Machines


Look for possible fraudulent devices attached to the ATM

Look for possible fraudulent devices attached to the ATM.If the ATM appears to have any attachments or alterations to the card slot or keypad, do not use the ATM. Report the potential problem to the bank that operates the ATM. If you do not get any cash from the ATM machine due to any error, keep the ATM slip safe as proof of failed transaction. Good to keep a photocopy of the transaction. An ATM machine stays active for 30 seconds after every transaction, so you should leave the ATM machine only after the welcome logo is displayed again on the machine.


Magnetic panel
Remember ATM theft can occur in two ways
Make sure your Internet shopping sites are secure
Contacting your bank Ombudsman
If your card is lost
Suggestions for handling PIN
Secure Communications
Choosing PIN
Point of Sale Security
Extended Validation SSL Online Identity Assurance
Always observe the ATM surroundings
Make sure you have finalized the transaction
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