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Connect To Secure Network If Available

Precaution while using WiFi


Connect To Secure Network If Available

With the increase is skepticism in using Wi Fi hotspots, more and more companies and including hotels and coffee shops and are offering secure networks. Check for secure networks in the list of available networks. If you are in a hotel, the management might provide you with password so that you can use a secure network. As far as possible, connect to secure networks. Keep in mind that not every entity will give you the security option. To know if a network is secure, click on the network icon in the system tray. Hover mouse cursor over each connection to know if a network is secure and if yes, the type of security used.


Use different passwords
Keep Your Firewall Active
Automatic Connection
On the go
Internet Safety
Passphrase quality and lifespan
Avoid using third party
How do I stay safe in an internet caf
Don t Share Anything
Protect yourself
Connect To Secure Network If Available
Avoid automatically connecting to Wi Fi hotspots
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