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Some people should not use contact lenses for vision correction

Precaution while using Contact Lenses


Some people should not use contact lenses for vision correction

Some people should not use contact lenses for vision correction. They include: 1Anyone who is too busy to be compliant with contact lens safety measures and thorough hygiene habits. 2People who work where there is a lot of debris in the air, such as sawdust. 3People who havedry eye problems. When you put a lens in the eye, it rests on tear film, says Steinemann. If you dont make enough tears, you could be at increased risk for infection.Contact lenses are safe to use, but only if you follow your doctors advice and these simple rules of care.


Dont wear contact lenses longer
Dont wear contact lenses overnight
For Daily Disposable Wear
Soft contact lenses care
Blink your eyes frequently while under a hair drier
Wear Your Lenses Properly
In case your eyes become red
For Frequent Replacement Wear
Cleaners for contact lenses
Avoid having your eyes exposed to cream lotions
Remove or Do Not Use Your Contact Lenses if you have
Are Contacts for You
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