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Crank that aperture for full body portraits

Portrait Photography tips for Beginners


Crank that aperture for full body portraits

I am shocked on almost a daily basis how many photographers fail to understand that aperture is not the only camera setting that impacts the depth of field. To learn the four (or five, depending on how you count) factors that impact depth of field,check out this article. When shooting a full body portrait, the photographer is obviously further away from the subject. This means that the depth of field is much deeper. For full body portraits, remember that your aperture must be significantly lower (or your focal length significantly longer) to get a blurry background. To get shallow depth of field for full body portraits, you might check out the85mm f1.8 for Nikon, or the85mm f/1.8 for Canon.


Keep your model warm
Know the tips for hiding wrinkles
Try not to show the flat portion of the hand
Quit sharpening blindly
Try high key or low key lighting
Whiten teeth properly in Photoshop
Contrast clothes and environment
Adjust the lighting to fix deep set eyes
Learn the lingo when working with models
Learn to use the golden mean rather than the rule of thirds
Use natural reflectors
Think like you re shooting film
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