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Tributes by musicians

Nelson Mandela


Tributes by musicians

Many artists have dedicated songs to Mandela. One of the most popular was from The Special AKA who recorded the song Free Nelson Mandela in 1983, which Elvis Costello also recorded and had a hit with. Stevie Wonder dedicated his 1985 Oscar for the song I Just Called to Say I Love You to Mandela, resulting in his music being banned by the South African Broadcasting Corporation.In 1985, Youssou NDours album Nelson Mandela was the Senegalese artists first US release. Other artists who released songs or videos honouring Mandela include Johnny Clegg.


Mandelas imprisonment
Defiance campaign and transvaal anc presidency 1950 1954
Personal life
Retirement and later career
Early life
Nelson mandelas years behind bars
The myth and the man
Closing remark at the 1964 trial
Arrest and rivonia trial 1962 1964
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