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HIV antibody testing is unreliable

Myth about AIDS


HIV antibody testing is unreliable

HIV antibody tests exceed the performance of most other infectious disease tests in both sensitivity (the ability of the screening test to give a positive finding when the person tested truly has the disease) and specificity (the ability of the test to give a negative finding when the subjects tested are free of the disease under study). Many current HIV antibody tests have sensitivity and specificity in excess of 96% and are therefore extremely reliableProgress in testing methodology has enabled detection of viral genetic material, antigens, and the virus itself in bodily fluids and cells. While not widely used for routine testing due to high cost and requirements in laboratory equipment, these direct testing techniques have confirmed the validity of the antibody tests


HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else
HIV will progress to AIDS and the person will die soon
AIDS is genocide
AIDS can be cured
Im straight and dont use IV drugs I wont become HIV positive
ARVs disfigure you
HIV can infect only homosexual men and drug users
Getting tested for HIV is pointless
If Im receiving treatment I cant spread the HIV virus
Current medications can cure AIDS It s no big deal if you get infected
I can get ADIS
Sexual intercourse with an animal will avoid or cure AIDS
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