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If Im receiving treatment I cant spread the HIV virus

Myth about AIDS


If Im receiving treatment I cant spread the HIV virus

. Research shows, however, that the virus is still hiding in other areas of the body. It is still essential to practice safe sex so you wont make someone else become HIV positive. When HIV treatments work well, they can reduce the amount of virus in your blood to a level so low that it doesnt show up in blood tests


HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
You cant get HIV from oral sex
HIV/AIDS is a chronic manageable disease
You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person
HIV can infect only homosexual men and drug users
Straight women only get HIV because their men are on the down low
Only people from the lower socio economic class are affected by HIV
People who have HIV cannot have sex with people who do not have HIV
AIDS can be cured
I cant have more than one sexually transmitted disease at a time
ARVs disfigure you
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