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DJ Roomba Parks and Recreation

Most Famous Fictional Robots of All Time


DJ Roomba Parks and Recreation

What beats a Roomba? A DJ Roomba. The unofficial mascot of the Pawnee, Indiana Parks and Recreation department, DJ Roomba is repurposed by the one and only Tom Haverford to be a robot DJ. Whats hot, DJ Roomba? After being accidentally stepped on by the bumbling Jerry, he returned as a ghost to play Black Eyed Peas on a nonstop looooop.Kirk Hamilton.


Johnny 5 Short Circuit
The Tachikomas Ghost in the Shell
Awesom O South Park
The Final Five Battlestar Galactica
The Robot Lost in Space
Clank Ratchet and Clank
DJ Roomba Parks and Recreation
Bishop Aliens
H E L P eR Venture Bros
Wall E
Sojourner Mars Rover
More ...

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