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Guard your heart

Marriage Tips


Guard your heart

The grass is not greener on the other side. Do not believe the lie that with a slimmer figure, a higher salary, a faster car, or a bigger house, you will be a happier woman. The world is full of things and people that will serve as reminders that you dont have the best of the best, but its simply not true.
Live the life youve been blessed with, and BE THANKFUL. I get that we all have struggles, and there are even times when I would love 1,000 more square feet of house to live in, but square feet is not fulfilling relationships are. Guard your heart from things and people that will try to convince you that your life or your husband is not good enough. There will always be bigger, faster, stronger, or shinier but youll never be satisfied with more until youre fulfilled with what you have now.


Are you creating more pleasurable interactions in your marriage or are you making it painful or unpleasant for your spouse
See problems
The best way to strengthen a marriage is to support and assist each other in being the best you can be
Research consistently shows that touching more creates a stronger bond by releasing oxytocin
Learn his love language
Schedule a regular date night
Communication and time together are the keys to strengthening your marriage
Accept your partner exactly as they are today
Fair is not a four letter word
Censor every impulse to blame or criticize your partner
Next time you argue with your partner
Guard your heart
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