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Lesson No 2

Mahabharata Management


Lesson No 2

Teamwork always wins over individual brilliance.

Pandavas had 1 united team and 1 goal. All the leaders had great respect for Krishna, as the counsellor and Yudhishtira as a partner. They had role models of Bhima and Arjuna as warriors. They were all close relatives and were made a part of decision making. They all considered it as 'their'war.

Kauravas had no team spirit and everyone fought his own war for his own objective. While Bhishma wanted to protect the throne of Hastinapur, Drona and Kripa had allegiance to it. Karna just wanted to prove his mettle against Arjuna and his friendship with Duryodhana. They all had big egos and didn't gel well with each other. Although they were brilliant warriors individually, they couldn't win the battle.


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