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Attending a Kriya Yoga Program

Kriya Yoga


Attending a Kriya Yoga Program

Yogacharyas regularly tour the United States, Europe, and India to deliver lectures, initiate students, conduct guided meditation classes, and provide spiritual counseling. Please consult our calendar section for their touring schedules, or contact your regional center or ashram for information about dates and locations of programs.A Kriya Yoga program consists of an introductory lecture, followed by initiation into the authentic Kriya Yoga by an approved yogacharya, and a minimum of three followup group guided meditations under the supervision of the yogacharya. Afterwards, individuals practice regularly on their own and attend group meditations in their area, depending on their availability (usually weekly).In addition, some of the yogacharyas may reside in your area who may be available on a perappointment basis to instruct and guide seekers in the ancient science of Kriya Yoga.


Mind Control
Daily Practice
Lineage of Kriya Yoga Gurus
Prajnana Mission
Dangers to Kriya yoga
Scientific Path of Soul Culture
Eradicate Bad Mental Habits and Karma
Direct Transmission From Teacher to Student
Highest Method of God Contact
Health is Wealth
Pray Deeply to God
Kriya Yoga
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