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A Simple NonSectarian Technique

Kriya Yoga


A Simple NonSectarian Technique

Kriya Yoga is nonsectarian. Its simple technique causes no hardship, requires no austerities, and suits aspiring householders as well as monks. From the principles of Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga teaches that all action, kri, is done by the indwelling soul, ya. Continuous awareness of the power of the indwelling soul can transform all activity into worship. Awareness that the soul must inhale every breath leads to mind control and liberation.
The Kriya technique emphasizes the relationship between breath and mind. The breath influences the mind and viceversa. This reciprocal relationship reveals the secret of controlling the mind Breath control is selfcontrol. Breath mastery is selfmastery. Breathlessness is deathlessness. The breathless state of samadhi is the realization of the Absolute.


The Science of Kriya Yoga
Learn to Meditate
Health is Wealth
The Tradition of Kriya Yoga
Mind Control
A Simple NonSectarian Technique
How To Get Started
Focus Attention at the Spiritual Eye
Eradicate Bad Mental Habits and Karma
Lineage of Kriya Yoga Gurus
Direct Transmission From Teacher to Student
Attending a Kriya Yoga Program
More ...

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