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Karva Chauth Fast



Women begin preparing for Karva Chauth a few days in advance, by buying cosmetics (shringar), traditional adornments or jewelry, and puja items, such as the Karva lamps, matthi, henna and the decorated puja thali (plate). Local bazaars take on a festive look as shopkeepers put their Karva Chauth related products on display. On the day of the fast, women from Punjab awake to eat and drink just before sunrise. In Uttar Pradesh, celebrants eat soot feni with milk in sugar on the eve of the festival. It is said that this helps them go without water the next day. In Punjab, sargi is an important part of this predawn meal and always includes fenia. It is traditional for the sargi to be sent or given to the woman by her motherinlaw. If the motherinlaw lives with the woman, the predawn meal is prepared by the motherinlaw.


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karva Chauth in Uttar Pradesh
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karva Chauth Items
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If you are participating in it as a woman you will need to fast for the day
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