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Sea Lion

Incredible Amphibious Cars


Sea Lion

You want a car that goes fast, a car that looks unique, a car that can transition into a speed boat in seconds. Well, there s a car for you the Sea Lion prototype: the world s fastest amphibious land speed vehicle. Actually, it s not technically a car. Witt himself, the designer of car, calls it an Amphibious World Speed Record Competition Vehicle. It was designed to set world records on land and on water. On the road, the Sea Lion clocks in at 125 mph (201 km/h). Not terribly impressive, but it s off the road where the Sea Lion shines. In the water, meanwhile, it can reach respectable speeds of as much as 60 mph (96 km/h). The body of the Sea Lion was made by using TIG welded 5052 aluminum and CNC milled.


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