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Allow students to work together

Ideas To Improve Student Motivation


Allow students to work together

While not all students will jump at the chance to work in groups, many will find it fun to try to solve problems, do experiments, and work on projects with other students. The social interaction can get them excited about things in the classroom and students can motivate one another to reach a goal. Teachers need to ensure that groups are balanced and fair, however, so that some students aren t doing more work than others.


Add new spice to class
Give students a sense of control
Encourage self reflection
Assign Classroom Jobs
Give students responsibility
Help students find intrinsic motivation
Create a threat free environment
Track Improvement
Be excited
Offer rewards
Open format Fridays
Change your scenery
More ...

Test your English Language
Yoga Basics
Rules to play Taekwondo
Benefits of Plum
Tips to get ready for Graduation
Photography Essentials
Play Cricket
Benefits of Grapes
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