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Accept what you cant change

How to Remove Dark Circles Tips


Accept what you cant change

There are some causes to undereye circles you cant do much to reverse, unfortunately. These include: Pigmentation irregularities. These can cause darker circles under the eyes. Sun exposure. This can increase melanin production. Thinning from age. Aging thins the skin, making veins and vessels more obvious as your fat and collagen depletes over time. Heredity. Establish whether or not this condition runs in your family, as undereye dark circles are believed to frequently be hereditary. This doesnt mean that you cant do anything about the conditions, but you should be prepared for minimal success when trying to get rid of them. Your facial features. Dark circles may be as simple as shadows being thrown by your own features. There isnt much you can do change this other than careful use of cosmetics.


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Accept what you cant change
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