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Wait for the water to cool

How to Clean Jewelry


Wait for the water to cool

When you can comfortably put your hands in the water, you can remove the jewelry. Follow a good boiling by scrubbing each piece of jewelry with a soft brush, then dabbing it dry with a soft towel and allowing it to sit and airdry completely. Dont be afraid if the water appears dirty this is good! As boiling water loosens the dirt, wax, grime, etc. thats built up on your jewelry, it may float to the surface of the water. The dirtier your water looks, the more dirt youve removed from your jewelry!


Cleaning Jewelry with Glued In Gemstones
Bring water to a boil
Blot dry with a soft cloth
Rinse each piece in warm running water
Mix a small quantity of toothpaste and water
Know which types of jewelry should be kept dry
Club Soda
Soak the jewelry in the mixture for no more than one minute
Carefully pour the water over your jewelry
Wait for the water to cool
Freshen your pearls
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