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Scrub with a soft bristled toothbrush

How to Clean Jewelry


Scrub with a soft bristled toothbrush

Use an old, softbristled toothbrush and toothpaste to gently scrub off grime. The toothpaste can be applied to a cloth to hand polish an item as well. If youre seeing scratches on your jewelry, its probably the toothbrush, not the toothpaste use as soft of brush as possible. Alternatively, simply scrub with undiluted toothpaste. This, however, can be harder to rinse out of small crevices in your jewelry.


Cleaning Jewelry with Ammonia
Rinse the jewelry with a cloth dampened with plain water
Put a few drops of liquid dish detergent in a bowl of warm water
Wait for the water to cool
Gently dry the jewelry with a soft polishing cloth
Soak the jewelry in the mixture for no more than one minute
Club Soda
Know when to clean with ammonia
Rinse generously in clean water
Rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water
Know when boiling is appropriate
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