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Bellis perennis
English daisy, garden daisy, European daisy.

Key Uses:

  • Muscle strain, sprains, and bruises
  • Pain during pregnancy or after miscarriage or surgery
  • Prolonged pain after injury
  • Tumors on the sites of old injuries
  • Varicose veins and congestion of the veins

    Origin : Found throughout Europe.

    Background : In the 16th century the English herbalist John Gerard noted this plant as a treatment for gout. It has a long tradition of use as a medicinal herb, and is currently being tested as a treatment for HIV infection.

    Preparation : The whole, fresh plant, including the root, is gathered when in flower and steeped in alcohol.

    Remedy Profile : Bellis best suits people who are prone to restlessness, insomnia, and angry dreams. They are often sensitive to the cold.
    Key conditions treated by Bellis include muscle strain, sprains, and bruises, including deep bruising to the muscles such as that produced by soccer injuries to the thighs. It is also given to ease pain after surgery, or prolonged pain after injury. The remedy is appropriate where a tumor forms on the site of an old injury or scar.
    Bellis is also used to treat varicose veins and congestion of the veins, possibly when they are associated with physical labor. During pregnancy or following an abortion or miscarriage, the remedy may help ease pain and bruising in the uterus.

    Symptoms Better : For heat; for cold compresses; for continuous movement; for pressure on the painful area; for eating.

    Symptoms Worse : For becoming chilled when hot; for the warmth of the bed; before storms; for touch; for exertion; for childbirth; for injuries; for surgery; on the left side; for cold drinks.

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